Monday, December 28, 2015

Reducing the internally generated loads air conditioner must deal with

Air conditioner works better by lowering the size of the job it has to do by improving the building or reducing the internally generated loads that the air conditioner must deal with.

Improving the building “envelope” includes things such as increasing insulation levels or shading windows or dimishing air leakage. These improvements reduce energy spent on heating and cooling, but may need considerable time or investment. Putting in a new roof or new windows is basically cost-effective when using high-efficiency products. “Cool” roofing, for instance saves half a ton of cooling and a lot of energy over the year.

Cutting down of internal loads can be simpler. Shut off unnecessary electrical appliances, lights and equipment. Use washers, dryers and other appliances to cooler times of the day. Remove heat and humidity from kitchens and baths by using local exhaust fan. Buying Energy Star or similarly efficiency appliances helps likewise.

In dry climates evaporative air conditions (swamp coolers) can provide considerable cooling. In climates with large temperature swings, such as the hot, dry climates, reduce the load by bringing in large amounts of cool outdoor air. (known as “night cooling” “ventilative cooling” or “residential economizers”).


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