Saturday, June 13, 2015

Types of Air-conditioning Units

Window Type

This is designed to be fitted in window sills. A single unit of Window Air Conditioner houses all the necessary components, specifically the compressor, condenser, expansion valve or coil, evaporator and cooling coil enclosed in a single box. Since it is a single unit, it takes less effort both on installation and maintenance.


  • Single unit air conditioner
  • Less effort on installation
  • Costs lesser compared with other types

Split Type

These are kits of 2 units, internal and external. The indoor unit mounted inside the room intakes warm air and throws in cold air. On the other hand, the outdoor unit is installed outside of the house, which contains the compressor and is linked to the internal unit through drain pipes and electric cables. The latter throws out the warm air.

  • Space-saving internal unit
  • More silent than window type
  • Minimally affects home decor
  • Can be installed in room without windows

Tower Type

This is known as floor-standing air conditioners. Like split type, its set consists of 2 units - one internal and an external. Nevertheless, the indoor unit doesn’t require wall installation, but occupies some space on the floor. Tower air conditioners usually have high cooling capacity and appropriate for very large rooms.

  • Apt for high capacity cooling
  • Perfect for large rooms at home and in offices
  • Doesn't require windows or wall installation

Cassette Type

This space-saving air conditioner is formed like cassettes and designed to be installed on ceilings. The panel of which is designed to blend with all types of home decor. This is stylish, and known to deliver incredible performances. Most cassette type air conditioners need no ducting. They are ideal for large spaces where windows or split air conditioners may not reach out.

  • Best at space- saving preference
  • Chills large areas where other air conditioners don’t reach out
  • Blends with home/office furnishing

Cube Type

Introduced by Panasonic, this fairly new design can be installed close to a ceiling or at the window level. This type is a smaller version of the split type and cheaper than the other. The indoor unit highlights a newly designed diagonal propeller fan for efficient and fast cooling. Improved blade shape curvature and larger intake grill give support to efficient performance.

  • Can be installed near the ceiling or at window level
  • Newly designed diagonal propeller fan for quick cooling
  • Superior blade shape curvature for proficient performance

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