Sunday, August 21, 2016

Heat versus humidity

Humidity control was the problem that originally stimulates the need for air conditioning. Lack of humidity control in hot, humid climates can lead to mold growth and other moisture-related problems. High indoor humidity can cause health and comfort problems.

Modern air conditioners dehumidify as they cool which can be seen on the water that drains away, but this dehumidification is incidental to their main job of controlling temperature, which cannot separately control both temperature and humidity.

In hot, humid climates the incidental dehumidification that takes place may not always be enough to keep the indoor humidity conditions suitable. Professional recommends roughly a 60% relative humidity maximum at 78F.) The maximum dehumidification occurs not at the hot times of the year when the air conditioner is running a lot but at mild times of the year when the air conditioner runs very little.

Although there are some leading edge air conditioning systems that offers to independently control humidity, conventional systems may not be able to adequately control the problem and can cause discomfort or mold problems in particular conditions. Some modern high-end systems have enhanced dehumidification, but when the existing system cannot amply dehumidify, it may be important to acquire a stand-alone dehumidifier.

Lessen the need for dehumidification:

Avoid setting the thermostat to the “fan on” position. In this position, the fan blows air continually whether the cooling system is running or not, and one key impact is that a lot of the moisture the system just took out of the air is blown back into the house before it can drain away.

Use exhaust fans on moisture-producing activities. Cooking, bathing, washing, and identical endeavors produce a lot of moisture inside the house. Drain that moisture directly outdoors by a fan. Likewise, avoid drying clothes indoors except with a clothes dryer that is drained directly outdoors.

Avoid opening the windows or use ventilative cooling when it is too humid outside.

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