Saturday, June 13, 2015

Home Air Conditioning Do’s and Don’ts

Proper Maintenance of Air Conditioning

Check the Thermostat

Be sure to invest in a quality digital thermostat as these models rarely break. Once thermostat is broken, air-conditioner will not function properly, or at all. This is an area that should be inspected pre-season on an annual basis. Also, avoid leaving the thermostat setting on all the time. This seems like it could increase the cooling effect indoors, but in reality, it brings moisture back into the home and drastically amplifies energy bills per month. 

Don’t place the thermostat set on the coolest setting.  Keep indoor temperature settings at efficient levels to acquire the right amount of cooling. An appropriate thermostat setting in the summer is around 71 degrees depending on the climate and region.

Before every warm season starts, have air conditioning system cleaned and restored. This can be a Do it Yourself (DIY) job for homeowners that are experienced in handy work but it is recommended to have a professional Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) technician accomplish this task, as they maintain the industry knowledge, experience, and equipment to get the job done right. Filters, panel doors, condenser coils, and more are all areas that need routine cleaning to promote a healthier indoor air quality and accurate unit performance. A dirty system can reduce the indoor air quality, causing allergies, respiratory irritations, and other minor health implications, which can lead to costly medical and pharmacy bills. 
  • Routine Cleaning for Air Conditioning Units 
Maintain Refrigerant Levels
Have your system serviced regularly, around twice a year, to have your refrigerant levels checked. Improper refrigerant charge damages the compressor, which is basically the heart of the air conditioner.  You have no air conditioner in hot weather without the compressor working.  Electricity bills will be high and the unit’s efficiency levels will be low before the compressor breaks down.

1 comment:

  1. An investment in a digital thermostat can lead to some long-term savings on utility bills. With such a modern thermostat, the climate control system will operate at optimum efficiency to keep the entire family comfortable especially during hot summers and freezing winters. Simple routine tasks such as replacing an air filter can also significantly reduce excessive use of air conditioners and heating systems.

    Henrietta Fuller @ Bri-Tech Heating and Cooling


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