Friday, August 14, 2015

Air Conditioning Marketing Design

Air conditioning small businesses can have money-making months when the temperature soars. Nevertheless, customers need to know who to call when the air conditioner/heater breaks, and the industry can be very competitive. That’s where marketing touches down.  Small businesses can use a broad marketing and advertising strategies and techniques to be noticed, and draw new customers throughout the entire year.


The target market for an air conditioning includes homeowners, commercial-building owners and property management firms. Concentrate on one or all of these groups, depending on the size of  local area. For example, if living in small town, focus could probably be made on all three. When living in a large city, focus could be on one of them, such as commercial buildings, and fine-tune marketing to suit on this genre.

Marketing and Advertising Ideas

If new to the business, choose a company name that begins with an “A” so it’s one of the first companies a potential customer sees when looking up air conditioning in a directory. Set rates, as well as clearly define small business’s capabilities and expertise. Develop a marketing or promotional material, such as a sales letter or brochure, which contains this information. Purchasing a small print or online ad space in the local yellow pages would also be helpful. 

Advertise services in the local newspaper during the cold months and hot summer months. Create a website that contains search engine optimization terms so that customers can find speedily when taking an online search.

Connecting with the Community Organizations

Become a member with community organizations, such as the chamber of commerce or the local country club, to network with other entrepreneurs and prospective clients. Referrals go a long way in the services industry, so make the most out of local contacts and social events.

Marketing of Preventive Maintenance

Promote maintenance services instead of waiting for a prospective customer’s air conditioning unit to bug down. Send postcard reminders to past clients reminding them about regular routine maintenance, like system flushes or weatherizing a vacation home. Send out a monthly newsletter on airconditioning tips, such as how often to change the air filter, along with coupons for the maintenance work such as how often to change the air filter, along with coupons for the maintenance.


Denise Brandenberg, Air Conditioning Marketing Ideas,

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