Saturday, June 13, 2015

Proper Cleaning of Air Conditioner

Warm air from the air conditioning unit does not always mean of low on refrigerant.  Many times, window and through-the-wall air conditioning units can’t blow cold air because the evaporator and condenser coils or cooling fins are clogged.

Below can be your tips on cleaning the unit:

First remove the plastic filter holder/trim panel, as it usually snaps off. Then remove it from the window or slide it out of the wall.  Caution:  it’s heavy so ask for assistance.

Remove the mounting frame and the case if working on a window unit. The case screws are basically located along the bottom edge. Note the location of any odd-length screws as they have to go back in the same spots after reassembly.

After which, straighten the bent cooling fins with a fin comb.

Buy two cans of air conditioner coil cleaner. Vacuum all visible buildup from both coils, and spray both coils with the cleaner. Clean the fan blades with household cleaner and a rag while the foam works. Pop them and squeeze in a few drops of electric motor oil if the fan motor has plastic- or rubber-capped oiling ports.

Wash or replace the air filter and reinstall the unit. It just might blow a lot cooler. Otherwise other problems is at stake !


  1. Thanks for the tips for cleaning your air conditioner. Maintenance is an essential aspect to any piece of equipment you own. The only thing I'm wondering about is this: where can you buy cans of air conditioner coil cleaner? I'm not sure where to get it.

  2. This is really great help about air conditioning,..
    Good information shared,..
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  3. Thanks for posting these tips for taking care of my air conditioner. I was wondering if my A/C was running warm air because it was running out of refrigerant before reading this article. Now that I understand that I need to clean the evaporator and condenser coils and the cooling fins, I'll be able to make sure that it starts working properly again.

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  5. This would help me in cleaning my air conditioner. Thanks for the article.

    Heating and Cooling Concord

  6. ir conditioner's filters,coils and fins require proper maintenance because air conditioner loses it's 5 percent efficiency every year if not maintained properly.So try to clean the indoor and outdoor units of air conditioner on regular basis to keep it working at peak efficiency.


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  8. These are really great tips and they seem easy enough to do and a very straight forward process. The only part is to remember to do them often enough that the unit is not harmed. I am curious to see if I was to follow these steps right now if the unit would blow colder air.

    Ambrose @ Brown & Reaves Services, Inc.

  9. This article helped me with the air conditioner. Thanks for sharing.

    Heating and Cooling Markham

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  11. .we are professionals for ac and furnace system repairing works our service is available in 24/7 365 days we do excellent work in cheap prices

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  12. Air conditioner's filters,coils and fins require proper maintenance because air conditioner loses it's 5 percent efficiency every year if not maintained properly.So try to clean the indoor and outdoor units of air conditioner on regular basis to keep it working at peak efficiency.
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